Environmental Efforts
In addition to pursuing the development and provision of products and services that ensure environmental safety, we also conduct environmentally friendly activities in a variety of related fields.
Environmental Management and Operation
To increase the effectiveness of our environmental efforts, Geomatec began work to obtain an "ISO14001" international license in environmental management systems in 2001, then obtained that license in December, 2010.
An environmental management system is in place at headquarters as well, in accordance with ISO14001, and the office strives to conserve energy and resources.

Environmental Policy
1.Environmental Policy
With the objective of achieving continual balance between the earth, humankind, and technology, Geomatec uses the light controlling properties of thin film to pursue business that meets its environmental philosophy and code of conduct, while also contributing to a broad cross-section of society.
2.Dedication to the Environment
In consideration of the earth, Geomatec promotes the formation of a sustainable society and strives for the protection of biological diversity and ecosystems, as well an increase in green environments.
3.Code of Conduct
The company actively pursues the following code of conduct in all areas where it does business:
- 1.To protect the environment, we will promote conservation of energy and resources, reduce disposable items and recycle.
- 2.To contribute to efforts to stop global warming, we will actively work to prevent the emission of green house gases.
- 3.We will gather information on substances which could potentially prove harmful to the environment or have poor health effects. We will then work to reduce use of such substances.
- 4.In addition to strict compliance with environmental laws and regulations, we have also set our own standards where necessary and carry out continual environmental risk management with periodic improvements.
- 5.We will develop and design products which are highly energy efficient and make optimum use of the life cycle of each natural resource.
- 6.We will release information on our environmental efforts and communicate the results to customers and the community.
Employees and constituents of Geomatec will work with awareness of the following:
- The importance of complying with environmental policy and procedures, as well as the requirements of our environmental management system
- The potential for significant effect on the environment through their work and the advantages of environmentally friendly operations
- Their role and responsibilities in achieving compliance with the requirements of the environmental management system
- The effects that could result when operations deviate from defined procedures
Environmental Performance
1.Reducing Environmental Load
The basis of this policy will be the reduction, effective use, effective processing, and "green procurement" of energy, materials, consumables, and other secondary materials necessary for production which cause a burden on the environment.
2.Prevention of Global Warming
In order to cut CO2 emissions, we will endeavor to reduce our energy consumption rate.
3.Management of Chemical Substances
In addition to the regulated substances included in our products, we will set standards for the self-management of all chemical substances and conduct operations that are in accordance with the law.
4.Effective use of Natural Resources
By thoroughly implementing the three r's, we will promote procedures that help achieve "zero emissions" and "in-house processing" of materials.
5.Joint Efforts with Regional Businesses
We will deepen interaction with businesses in each region who have obtained ISO certification and play a central role in promoting environmental efforts.