Corporate Governance

Geomatec considers corporate governance an important operational matter that ensures lawful business and interactions with stockholders and other parties.
The Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Committee are fully aware of the following functions and conduct management by making proper, lawful decisions.

  • The rights of shareholders, protection of profits, and maintenance of fairness
  • Respect for the rights and profits of stakeholders other than shareholders and formation of smooth relationships
  • The need for business transparency through timely and appropriate information disclosure
  • The need for executives to carry out their roles and responsibilities
  • The need for healthy dialog with shareholders

Please note that while the company does employ an internal audit & supervisory committee, we believe it is one whose functions ensure efficient and appropriate operational management.

Governance Structure

Geomatec has a structure with four executive officers (excluding the board of directors) and an Audit and Supervisory Committee composed of three directors.


In pursuit of smooth, efficient, healthy, and fair business practices that result in fair earnings, the board of directors carries out reasonable and efficient decision making with regard to important operational matters, while also monitoring operational progress and confirming progress of business plans.
It also maintains careful supervision to ensure that laws and the articles of incorporation are obeyed.

Audit and Supervisory Committee

Geomatec is a company with an internal Audit and Supervisory Comittee. The committee fulfills the role of management supervision.
The internal audit & supervisory committee will conduct their audits in accordance with internal structures and report the results on a regular basis. In addition, the president and executive officers may also request reports from each operational division, as necessary to ensure smooth management.

Internal Control System

Geomatec has constructed its corporate governance structure to ensure effectiveness of internal controls. It accomplishes this by building links with and managing the operations of each division.