Employee Satisfaction & Pride

Geomatec shows respect for each employee by creating an environment that enables individuals to perform to the best of their abilities. In doing so, it ensures that all employees are motivated and take pride in their work.

Respect for Employees

To respect the character and individuality of each employee, Geomatec has built a work environment and human resources system that does not permit discriminatory language, behavior, or treatment on the basis of race, nationality, religion, language, gender, beliefs, physical condition, place of birth, or personal tastes. We also aim to create a work environment in which sexual harassment and power harassment are things of the past.

Dialog between Labor and Management

Geomatec has opened a labor-management council at each business location to forge a relationship of mutual trust. Together, they examine matters from both perspectives to pursue both a healthy, stable work environment and corporate growth.

Goal-based Management

Geomatec employs a goal-based management system in which each employee selects goals, in line with the trends of their division and after consultation with their supervisor, as well as a plan to implement them. They are then evaluated on a bi-annual basis.
After self-evaluation by the employee of how well they achieved their goals, supervisors themselves conduct an evaluation process that may be reflected in salary increases or bonuses. By providing feedback on the employee's strengths and areas for improvement, the employee can then set goals for the next half-year or participate in skill development and education programs.

Education and Research

At every level of the organization, from new employees to experienced staff, Geomatec has implemented a distinct education system to efficiently and appropriately nurture the skills of each employee. From the time they enter the company, employees are given the knowledge and skills necessary to perform as a "human resource" within society and we also have programs to build management skills.

  1. 1.Education for New Employees: Aimed at new employees, this course is concentrated over approximately one month of on and off the job training, providing the rudimentary knowledge and general manners young staff members will need as members of society.
  2. 2.e-Learning education: Focusing on employees in their second to tenth year since joining the company, the e-Learning program enables staff members to build the necessary knowledge and skills for their field.
  3. 3.Inter-factory Study Sessions: Representatives are chosen to participate from among younger staff at each plant and the sessions are designed for skill building and information exchange.

In addition to the above, programs also exist for self-driven skill building, so that employees can explore their special talents or goals.

Safety Monitoring

Our philosophy is to "prioritize the life and safety of employees above all else" and we believe that safety is an indicator of corporate conscience and experience. As such, we seek to create a healthy, safe and continually improving work environment where all employees can work with peace of mind.

Reducing Workplace Accidents

With a focus on the 4 M's of manufacturing work sites (manpower, machinery, materials, methods), we evaluate the risk of accidents and improve machinery and working methods. These are implemented along with the use of protective gear and safety equipment to reduce or eliminate risk.

Maintaining Health

At Geomatec, we support the health management, physical fitness and emotional well-being of our employees by organizing health checks and consultations with industrial physicians and external agencies. We want all our employees to dream big and approach their work with enjoyment.

Support for Employees with Children

Geomatec has a system in place to help employees balance work and family life, including support for a number of family situations such as childbirth, child rearing, and home-care for sick or injured relatives. The system allows employees to continue with work and career or skill improvement.
With the implementation and operation of all our systems, we focus not only on strict compliance with relevant laws, but also seek to make things easier for employees. This means making periodic amendments to the system and working environment.

Cultivating the Next Generation

As part of efforts to comply with the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, we not only have an organized hiring system, but also organize hands-on workshops at our factories that are aimed at local schools.

System for Communication Between Labor and Management

Geomatec conducts employee surveys in order to listen to employees' concerns regarding their health or workplace environment. The results of these surveys lead to improvement of workplace communication, organizational effectiveness, and a better work environment.
In addition, a "hotline" is in place to link employees with the compliance committee, so that employees can report fraud, compliance problems, sexual or power harassment in the workplace, or receive consultation regarding work environment and health management. There is no requirement to give personal details, so staff can seek consultation without stress.
In compliance with the law, the information of whistle blowers or staff members seeking advice is protected by labor agreements and industry regulations. As such, it will not be used to the disadvantage of the reporting employee by anyone.

Plan to Cultivate the Next Generation

To create a labor environment in which employees can achieve balance between work and child-rearing, as well as one where all employees can work with ease and each staff member can achieve their full potential, we have devised and implemented the following plan to support cultivation of the next generation.

  1. 1.Plan Period

    Three years from April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2020

  2. 2.Company Issues

    We have too few female applicants and too few females hired.
    Biases exist in the positions assigned to female employees.

  3. 3.Objectives and Specific Measures

    • Objective 1: Increase exercise of yearly paid vacation options and special next-generation vacations to 40% or greater

      Specific Measures

      Collect information on how many employees have exercised their vacation options since April 2017 and promote use of vacation time through inter-site notifications, etc.
      From April 2018: Make plans to increase vacation time in each division

    • Objective 2:With regard to special vacations for employees contributing to the next-generation and the system for shorter work hours, conduct survey of existing circumstances and plan review of rules and procedures based on the results

      Specific Measures

      From April 2017: Conduct survey of current circumstances to determine what target range is actually necessary and units for judging rate of exercise
      From April 2018: Based on the survey results, explore rule amendments; From April 2019: Notify employees of amended rules

  4. 4.Female Employment Matters

    Percentage of females among hired laborers: Increased from 33.3%(as of 2015) to 45.5%, 5 out of every 11 (as of 2019)
    Average successive years of employment: Males 21.7, Females 21.2 (As of March, 2019)